Thursday, July 05, 2007

This Week On Smart City: How Art Is Remaking Cities

Providence, Rhode Island, was once the manufacturing center of the nation. The legacy of that history is a magnificent collection of mostly abandoned mills that are slowly being reclaimed for new uses. Clay Rockefeller might not call himself a developer but he is the man behind two exciting mill revivals. His latest is The Steel Yard. We'll talk to him about his experience as artist cum developer.

Also with us is Tom Borrup who, like Clay, has used art to revitalize communities, first as director of Intermedia Arts in Minneapolis and now as a consultant. His book, The Creative Community Builders' Handbook, was released last year by Fieldstone Alliance.

Smart City is a syndicated, weekly hour-long public radio talk show that takes an in-depth look at urban life: the people, places, ideas and trends that affect us all. Host Carol Coletta talks with national and international public policy experts, economists, business leaders, artists, developers, planners and others on the pulse of city life for a penetrating discussion on urban issues.

In Memphis, Smart City is broadcast on WKNO FM, 91.1, at 9 a.m. Sundays. It is also webcast and podcast at the Smart City website, which also has a listing of broadcast times in other cities and the sign up for a weekly newsletter.

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