Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Henry Turley: My One New Year's Wish

Henry Turley is the head of his eponymous firm:

Let the Fair Ground commence.


Anonymous said...

My wish this year? To see a vision for the fairgrounds that is formed by the people of Memphis. Of course that's assuming people show up to help form that vision. That's another story.

To see a vision that strengthens existing projects rather then is exclusive to them or sidelines them. A plan that complements rather then builds further redundancy. Eg. How are the Cross-town planners working with the Fairground planners to come up with a synergy between the projects? Or...are they competing for the same plan?

Let's see a project built on partnerships and public collaboration which include consulting our kids. Do we know what our kids are doing these days for fun?? Make a youth only survey.

Anonymous said...

Do we know what our kids are doing these days for fun??


making more kids.